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European Green Women

The focus of the topic Green Women was to reflect on the role of women in a sustainable way of life. By interviewing some women from our communities and researching the examples of female individuals who promote such lifestyle and implement the principles of sustainability in everyday life, we got an insight into importance of women in preserving the environment and we showed how significant their contribution regarding sustainability is.

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„Fata de păstor”, de Teodor Teodorescu, descrie un dialog dintre o fată de
păstor È™i cucul ce se aude cântând dintre ramurile unui copac. Potrivit unor
credinÈ›e populare străvechi, se spune că de câte ori omul va auzi această
pasăre cântând prima dată, atâÈ›ia ani va trăi cel ce a auzit-o.
Fata de pastor odata,oile pastea,hei!!! 
Iarba grasa,flori frumoase,cu drag culegea:
Cucul,sus,pe-o ramurea Tare frumos glasuia:

Cucul,cucu,cucu,cucu Cucu, tot canta,hei!
2.Fata stand pe iarba,catre cuc,razand,grai:
Cucule,sa-mi spui acuma,cati ani voi trai?
Cucul,sus pe-o ramurea,
Tare frumos glasuia:


3.Fata zece-a numarat,cucu-a tot cantat,
Si-apoi suta-numarat,cucu n-a-ncetat.
Fata la amenintat,
Cucu-n padure-a zburat...

"Shepherd Girl", by Teodor Teodorescu, describes a dialogue between a girl from shepherd and the cuckoo that can be heard singing between the branches of a tree. According to some ancient folk beliefs, it is said that how many times a person will hear this bird sings for the first time, so many years will live the one who heard it.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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